

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Home on the Range

 I have been home from the hospital for eight days now, and I am getting stronger all the time. Though I have some pretty intense pain in my abdomen, I can feel that I am getting better, bit by bit.
 I had a wonderful answer to prayer, actually a miracle, that happened this week . On Wednesday I had to go to Boston to get the catheter removed. They told me (and I had read) that it would probably be a few months, but hopefully I would regain some bladder control. Well, we decided we ought to get a large box of Depends so that we would be prepared for the long-haul.
 That night I had a dry night! And the next night! And the next night! In fact, I have had almost complete control of my bladder since the catheter came out, with the exception being the afternoon of the removal.  Praise the Lord! I am so grateful. When I have told people about this they are amazed and say, "I can't believe that you have ANY control already."  I can confidently say, "God did that!" That said, does anyone need a box of Depends? Cheap?
 Yesterday we got the bitter-sweet news that one of our dear ladies at church had passed away after a long battle with Parkinson's disease. I plan to do the service on Monday, but only to actually do the service. I will not be able to do many of the things I would normally do for a funeral, but I will be at the service. She was such a wonderful, lovely lady. Life goes on, and we should appreciate all of life as it unfolds.  Being home makes me appreciate home so much more. I am thankful for normal, regular things in life, like food, showers, well water, temperature controls, etc. Indeed, I am thankful for life.


  1. Glad to hear your update - been thinking about you both lots! I'm sorry for the loss of your friend.
    Much love!

  2. Wow! That control thing is truly a miracle! I prayed for it, so it should not come as a surprise, but wow!
    I'll be praying for your church family as they walk through saying goodbye to this lady. It's never easy.
    Love you so much, and I rejoice to read your updates.

  3. Just want to send a note that I'm thinking of you and Christina during these recovery days! Love to both of you!
